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Music for Theatre

20230821周穎欣X劉蕙雯共製《Be water·漂根》攝影by邱垂仁00126_edited_edited.jpg


Experimental Sound and Butoh Dance Project for multi-speakers

  •  2023 C-LAB Taiwan Sound Festival "Diversonics"

  •  2023 Taipei Fringe Festival - winner of the Fringe Space Award

  •  2022 Exhibition installation version at Taipei Zhongshan Hall

Drifting Root was inspired by the "Daap Toi" project in which the dancer and initiator, Chao Weng Ian, participated in 2021 at the Taiwan-Hong Kong People's Association. Through Chao Weng Ian's long-term collection of field studies, the aim is to invite the audience to contemplate issues related to immigration, self-identity, globalization, and the connection with one's own story through current affairs. This piece utilizes a significant amount of everyday sound recordings, presenting the process of external environmental stimulation merging with the inner self and space through multi-speaker spatial design.

In terms of sound, a large number of experimental real-life recordings are balanced with preset music and electronic sounds. The perspective shuttles between abstraction and reality, using liquid-like transformations as a metaphor for changes in mood. The dancers serve as carriers of the visual narrative, adopting the post-war Japanese dance style of "Butoh," which distinguishes itself from Western traditional aesthetics of the body and instead seeks liberation of the spirit beyond the physical form.

《漂根》 此作品啟發於2021年間與舞者兼發起人周穎欣參與在台港人協會的「搭台」計畫。透過穎欣長期採集的田野故事,期望透過時事議題切入邀請觀眾思考移民、自我認同、全球化與自身故事的連結。



  •  2023 C-LAB Taiwan Sound Festival "Diversonics" in 49.4 channels dome. (10 mins version)

  •  2023 Taipei Fringe Festival with 7 channels design. Won the 2023 Fringe Space Award. (45 mins version)

  • 2023 IRCAM X C-LAB Workshop presentation in 49.4 channels dome. (11 mins version)

  •  2022 Exhibition installation with 5.1 channels, at Taipei Zhongshan Hall.

2023 IRCAM X C-LAB Workshop presentation in 49.4 channels dome.
(11 mins version)

Winnie Liu 劉蕙雯 (Hui-Wen Liu) / Composer 創作者

Ds Tsai 蔡効儒 / Tuba 低音號錄音

Winnie Liu 劉蕙雯 (Hui-Wen Liu) / Cello 大提琴錄音

Chao Weng Ian 周穎欣 / Butoh Dancer 舞踏手

林勵、許哲誠 / 聲景錄音協助

Performance form 編制: electronic music 電聲

Special thanks 特別感謝| 江怡萱、詹君毅、丘奕、許桓瑜、張紘翊、林玟汝、Peli Yam、細記港式麵包專賣店、ReWind Candle,茶檔、識食餐室、森澄、慢慢走自在生活、台灣香港協會


IRCAM工作坊,孵育一個夢想。 「IRCAM工作坊」是法國IRCAM與C-LAB臺灣聲響實驗室合作的教育計畫,在數個月時間裡,經過二階段徵選而入選的學員,必須參與法國IRCAM電腦音樂設計教師的定期線上課程、臺灣聲響實驗室規畫的專題理論與實作課程,然後進入創作歷程,期間和臺、法教師一對一往返討論修整作品,在非常有限的時間內實踐創意發想,在成果發表會上呈現。

2023 IRCAM工作坊成果發表會於7月1日(六)在C-LAB臺灣聲響實驗室立體聲場舉行,共有14位創作者發表作品,分二個場次呈現。

場次一發表者包括:葉廷皓《流變體系Rheology System》、林盈婷《風─無形無相》、張譽馨《SUR.VEIL.LANCE》、黃祈諺《帕涅洛佩Penelope》、馮志銘《蟲洞裝置 Wormhole Device》、區志恒《Concur》、徐笠馨《意志的姿態The Gestures of Will》。

場次二發表者包括:曾靖軒《栞》、林薇《仙上會議》、王智德《臺北聲景Soundscape of Taipei》、黃雨農《祭台路線A Route for Stage Praying》、練雯嘉《In Our Stomachs─for 37-reed Sheng and Electronics》、曹媛淇《Random Walk II》、劉蕙雯《飄根Drifting Roots》。

這場成果發表會中,有表達意念的純電聲作品、有透過電聲與器樂混合來描繪議題、想法的作品、有裝置、有舞蹈。 成果發表會是作品生命的起點,初始綻放的時刻。歡迎大家一同來參與作品們欣欣向榮的瞬間!

「2023 IRCAM工作坊成果發表會」活動資訊








Original Music for Lighting Show

Balance opens up the discussion about how to live in this distracting world but still find the comfort spot to balance ourselves.

The music was inspired by the history of human communication tools from Morse code, typewriter, keyboard, and the one we use nowadays - the cellphone. All the sound was carefully designed from the concept of “signal”, even the sea wave and the stones sound.

It was very nice to work with my two talented college friends @william_4076 and @squirrel_handpan who are amazing lighting artist and performing artist as always.

Lighting Design: @william_4076
Choreographer/Dancer: @squirrel_handpan
Sound Design: @winnie_liu_cello
Musician (Live): @because_handpan



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